New Website for Cliphair Ltd!

by SHOPIFY API / JUN 2, 2009

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Welcome to Cliphair’s new look website. Today we have gone live with our new website.

Please be patient as there may be some glitches that need to be fixed. If you come across any problems when ordering please give us a call on 08450 211 311 and we will be pleased to help sort it out over the phone. Or email us at

This new site aims to be more appealing and user friendly. We would also like to keep you uptodate with latest industry new, hair trends and what the celebrities are upto. So keep visiting this blog section.

If you have any other comments regarding our website please feel free to contact us. Your feedback will be of great help for us in delivering an enjoyable shopping experience.


Customerservice Team


The post New Website for Cliphair Ltd! appeared first on Hair Extensions News.

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