Clip-In-Haarverlängerungen Haarverlängerungen mit Clips (240–300g)

Lernen Sie Ihren neuen Favoriten für ultraglamouröses, Insta-würdiges Haar kennen – das brandneue Ultra Volume Clip-in Set – die dickste Produktreihe von Cliphair aller Zeiten. Mit mehr Haar, mehr Dicke und mehr Volumen können Sie Ihren Look in wenigen Minuten mühelos aufwerten.

  • 240 – 280G 100 % Remy-Menschenhaar – für sofortiges Volumen und mühelosen Glamour
  • 8 Tressen mit vormontierten, sicheren, silikonbeschichteten Clips – für ultimativen Luxus, Komfort und Sicherheit
  • Nahtlos und einfach anzuwenden
  • Geeignet für durchschnittliches/dickes Haar und Haarlänge


If adding a lot of length to thick hair you should use between 220-300 grams of clip-ins to ensure the ends are blended. If using professional extensions like a weave or tapes 200-250 grams should be enough as you have a little more freedom with the placements to hide the ends.
Thick hair clip ins like our Ultra-Volume full head should only be used in average to thick hair. The seam is slightly bigger than an average set which may be tricky to hide in fine hair, the best way to keep it discreet is to avoid placing the clip-ins too close to the hairline or parting area.
Ultra-Volume Clip-Ins are the best temporary hair extension choice for short thick hair as the ends are voluminous enough to hide the natural length. A Tapes or I-Tips are the best professional extensions to use for short, thick hair.
Some people find braiding the underneath section of their hair the best way to hide the natural length when using clip-ins. Not only does it stop the shorter underneath hairs showing through the clip-ins it also helps the clips to securely attach to the hair.
Its not recommended for the Ultra-Volume full head to be used on thin or fine hair as it is a heavy set of extensions. This set is most suitable for average to thick hair.