Medium and Thick Hair: How to Choose the Right Thickness of Hair Extensions

by SHOPIFY API / JAN 24, 2020

Reading Time: 5 Minutes

It’s a common misconception that those with thick hair don’t need much hair extensions to make their hair appear fuller. However, that is quite the opposite – if you have thick hair, it is best to purchase heavier extensions to match your own hair density.

As you may already know, matching the colour of your hair extensions to your own hair is extremely important if you’re after a seamless blend and natural-looking results. However, understanding the weight of hair extensions to match your hair texture and density is equally important and should not be overlooked. It is the key to deciding what kind of extensions are best for you and tells you how much volume your hair can handle for a natural appearance. Hair extensions should always match or add more than the thickness of your natural hair.

 how to choose the right thicknes of hair extensions for medium and thick hair

If you make the mistake of not getting the right thickness of hair extensions for your hair, it will be easy for everyone else to notice if you don’t have enough hair in. So, if you have medium or thick hair, you’ll need to ensure you are getting enough extensions to match your hair. Those with thin or fine hair will need to a less substantial amount so the extensions don’t feel too heavy on their hair.

 Medium to Thick Hair: How to Choose the Right Thickness of Hair Extensions

The answer to getting the right amount of hair is always in knowing and understanding the weight (grams) of each hair extension type and their suitability to your own hair. Read on to discover everything you need to know about choosing the right thickness of hair extensions for medium and thick hair.


1Choosing the Right Thickness of Hair Extensions for Medium/ Thick Hair

2Clip ins - How Many Packs of Hair Extensions Do You Need for a Full Head?

Medium to Thick Hair: How to Choose the Right Thickness of Hair Extensions

The appropriate choice of thickness for naturally thick or medium density is 180-200 grams of hair, or double weft hair extensions, as these are made from two wefts of hair sewn together so you get twice as much hair as the single one. Each set of a full head set comes with 8 pieces in total so be sure to check the weight before you purchase. 

One of the biggest advantages of having thick hair is the versatility when it comes to styling. Medium and thick hair can afford various hairstyles, but if you need some inspiration, you should consider showing off the thickness with curls.

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The easiest way to put in your double weft extensions or clip ins is to start at your earlobe and work your way up in rows to your temples. This allows you to add instant length and volume while easily blending your hair and creating a more natural appearance.

Shop our high-quality clip ins and hair wefts now.


3How Many Tape Extensions Do You Need for Thick Hair?

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Each pack of tape extensions contains 100g of hair – so to get good coverage with tape in extensions, we recommend two packs for medium to thick hair for a full head, and to ensure you have enough pieces to match your hair's thickness.

tape in extensions for thick hair

The amount of tape in hair you need depends on two factors: how thick your own hair is and how much volume you want. If you add too much extensions, it can be painful and will look unnaturally thick, and if you add too little, you'll get uneven ends and scruffy strands peeking out from underneath your natural hair.

How Many Tape Extensions Do You Need for Thick Hair?

If your hair is thicker than average, you may need as much as 250g to 300g of hair, so it is best to consult a hairstylist who will examine your hair and give you a realistic idea of how much hair you’ll need for the look you want.
How Many Tape Extensions Do You Need for Thick Hair?
When choosing tape in extensions, you should remember that the hairstyle or cut you choose will also play an important part in blending the extensions.

4Hair Wefts

how to choose the right thickness of hair extensions for medium and thick hair
Hair wefts are great for adding extra volume and length, and offer more freedom in how you apply them. They don't come with clip ins atatches so you can glue, sew or clip them in. It is best to get your hair applied by a professional. This type of extension works best for thicker hair as they are made for a full time wearing and are not the lightest type of extension.

 How to Choose the Right Thickness of Hair Extensions

Each pack of hair wefts contains 110g of hair, so you'll need two packs if you have medium or thick hair. As hair wefts are one of the most versatile types of hair extensions when it comes to applying them, you should also keep in mind how you will cut, style and install them when considering how much hair you will need.


5Micro Rings / Pre-bonded

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Typically, if you have medium or thick hair, you’ll need four packs ( each pack contains 50 grams) for a full head of hair if you are getting micro ring/ pre-bonded extensions fitted in.

These extensions are great for anyone who has very thick hair and volume as thicker hair can conceal the bonds well to blend with your natural hair, and they’re are less likely to slip down. Micro-ring extensions leave no damage to your scalp as they don’t use heat or glue on your hair, offering more natural-feeling and looking hair. Pre-bonded extensions use keratin glue where the hair is bonded into an individual strand.

 how many grams for Micro Rings / Pre-bonded extensions thick hair

Again, the amount of loop ring or bonded extensions you need for a full head depends on level of volume you want and how much volume your hair can take. If you’re unsure, we recommend booking a consultation with a hairstylist who can guide you and help you understand how much hair you’ll need.


Shop our micro loop extensions and pre bonded extensions.


6Are quad weft extensions for thick hair?

Are quad weft extensions for thick hair?

Quad wefts are a quick and easy way to thicken and extend your hair. They have four strips of hair sewn onto one thick weft of hair, therefore making them an option for thinner hair.

As quad wefts make for super thick and long locks, we would recommend those with thick hair to purchase single or double wefts as it will be easier to achieve the right thickness with them.

If you need further help, get in touch with our team of hair experts. Don’t forget to hashtag #WearCliphair on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to show off your looks.


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