6 Unusual DIY Hair Treatments to Try While You're at Home

by ELI ZHELEVA / MAR 10, 2022

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

While most of us are still trying to adapt to the changing circumstances right now, a lot of us are also now on an ongoing battle against boredom. So what better time is there to get our thinking caps on and turn our kitchen into an all-natural hair salon. We’ve got some surprising DIY hair treatments for you to try while you’re self-isolating.

Depending on where you are, the store shelves are probably empty, so now is probably not the best time to use your essential food ingredients. That’s why today we are looking at some weird and wonderful DIY hair treatments you can make with what you probably already have at home, AND we are using non-essential grocery items (so you won’t have to worry about running out of eggs!).

If you’re the type of person who’s always been sceptical about DIY beauty treatments, it’s time to open your mind. While some ‘kitchen cupboard’ conditioners and ‘back of the pantry’ hair masks can sound a little silly, most are grounded in very real science.

They are designed to nourish your tresses fast, by replenishing all of the good stuff that gets stripped out by styling, harsh weather, and rough treatment. So, it’s goodbye to overpriced products and hello to homemade vitality.

Take a look at our guide to some unusual DIY hair treatments for some inspiration.

1Crushed Aspirin Shampoo Booster (back to index)

DIY Hair Treatments crushed asprin shampoo

Don’t forget that hair extensions deserve some love too. Cliphair extensions are made out of the finest quality Remy hair, so anything that boosts the health of your real locks will do the same for your extensions. For example, did you know that adding a small amount of crushed aspirin to your shampoo will make the hair look brighter and shinier? This is because it contains salicylic acid, which eliminates grease and grime.

2Flat Beer Hair Treatment (back to index)

flat beer DIY Hair Treatment

This is another surprising treatment, but it’s worth a go if your hair is looking a bit lacklustre. Apparently, dousing your tresses in yeast will add some volume to your hair. Don’t forget to open the can and let all the fizz escape first. You don’t really want to be adding it to hair while it’s still bubbly. The yeast plumps up the follicles and leaves you with visibly fuller hair. Use it as a rinse, just before you shampoo.

3Cocoa Powder Hair Color Treatment (back to index)

cocoa powder DIY Hair Treatments

We were stunned to learn that some types of food can actually cause hair to change color. The impact isn’t as dramatic as a proper dye job, of course, but a carefully created DIY mask can help you lighten and brighten your existing shade. Cocoa powder is one such food; for brunettes, it’s a quick and natural way to boost the color, particularly when mixed with yoghurt, honey, and apple cider vinegar.

4Avocado Hair Mask (back to index)

DIY Hair Treatments to Try While You're at Home

You might have already heard of the fabled avocado hair mask – it’s the superfood on everyone’s lips. It isn’t hard to believe that this superfood is capable of producing beautiful hair, because it seems all powerful. It is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients and, if you mash it up and add it to honey, you’ve got a wonderful deep conditioner. Apply to damp hair and let it sit for as long as you can stand. Then rinse out and wash thoroughly.

5Mayonnaise Hair Mask (back to index)

DIY Hair Treatments to Try While You're at Home

Now, this is one makeshift conditioner that you might need a nose plug for. Mayonnaise is definitely an unconventional choice, but it can work wonders for dull, lifeless locks. It restores shine and brings back that spring and body. It’s best applied before you shampoo. Take a generous amount (come on, you can do it) and gently rub it into damp hair. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave to rest for 20 minutes. Rinse and shampoo as usual.

6Honey and Banana Mask (back to index)

DIY Hair Treatments to Try While You're at Home

For a fast repair to give you hair a quick boost of strength, you can repair it using a honey and banana mask. Simply mix three spoons of honey with one banana. Apply the mixture to your hair for 20-25 minutes for maximum nourishment.

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